system system.base system.caching system.caching.dependencies system.collections system.console system.db system.db.schema system.db.schema.cubrid system.db.schema.mssql system.db.schema.mysql system.db.schema.oci system.db.schema.pgsql system.db.schema.sqlite system.gii system.i18n system.i18n.gettext system.logging system.test system.utils system.validators system.web system.web.actions system.web.auth system.web.filters system.web.form system.web.helpers system.web.renderers system.web.widgets system.web.widgets.captcha system.web.widgets.pagers zii.behaviors zii.widgets zii.widgets.grid zii.widgets.jui

继承 class CJoinQuery
可用自 1.0
源码 framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php
CJoinQuery represents a JOIN SQL statement.



conditions array list of WHERE clauses CJoinQuery
distinct boolean whether to select distinct result set CJoinQuery
elements array list of join element IDs (id=>true) CJoinQuery
groups array list of GROUP BY clauses CJoinQuery
havings array list of HAVING clauses CJoinQuery
joins array list of join statement CJoinQuery
limit integer row limit CJoinQuery
offset integer row offset CJoinQuery
orders array list of ORDER BY clauses CJoinQuery
params array list of query parameters CJoinQuery
selects array list of column selections CJoinQuery



__construct() Constructor. CJoinQuery
createCommand() Creates the SQL statement. CJoinQuery
join() Joins with another join element CJoinQuery


conditions 属性
public array $conditions;

list of WHERE clauses

distinct 属性
public boolean $distinct;

whether to select distinct result set

elements 属性
public array $elements;

list of join element IDs (id=>true)

groups 属性
public array $groups;

list of GROUP BY clauses

havings 属性
public array $havings;

list of HAVING clauses

joins 属性
public array $joins;

list of join statement

limit 属性
public integer $limit;

row limit

offset 属性
public integer $offset;

row offset

orders 属性
public array $orders;

list of ORDER BY clauses

params 属性
public array $params;

list of query parameters

selects 属性
public array $selects;

list of column selections


__construct() 方法
public void __construct(CJoinElement $joinElement, CDbCriteria $criteria=NULL)
$joinElement CJoinElement The root join tree.
$criteria CDbCriteria the query criteria
源码: framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php#1282 (显示)
public function __construct($joinElement,$criteria=null)
$this->distinct && $criteria->distinct)


createCommand() 方法
public CDbCommand createCommand(CDbCommandBuilder $builder)
$builder CDbCommandBuilder the command builder
{return} CDbCommand DB command instance representing the SQL statement
源码: framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php#1340 (显示)
public function createCommand($builder)
$sql=($this->distinct 'SELECT DISTINCT ':'SELECT ') . implode(', ',$this->selects);
$sql.=' FROM ' implode(' ',array_unique($this->joins));

$this->conditions as $condition)
$sql.=' WHERE (' implode(') AND (',$conditions).')';

$this->groups as $group)
$sql.=' GROUP BY ' implode(', ',$groups);

$this->havings as $having)
$sql.=' HAVING (' implode(') AND (',$havings).')';

$this->orders as $order)
$sql.=' ORDER BY ' implode(', ',$orders);


Creates the SQL statement.

join() 方法
public void join(CJoinElement $element)
$element CJoinElement the element to be joined
源码: framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php#1312 (显示)
public function join($element)


Joins with another join element