system system.base system.caching system.caching.dependencies system.collections system.console system.db system.db.schema system.db.schema.cubrid system.db.schema.mssql system.db.schema.mysql system.db.schema.oci system.db.schema.pgsql system.db.schema.sqlite system.gii system.i18n system.i18n.gettext system.logging system.test system.utils system.validators system.web system.web.actions system.web.auth system.web.filters system.web.form system.web.helpers system.web.renderers system.web.widgets system.web.widgets.captcha system.web.widgets.pagers zii.behaviors zii.widgets zii.widgets.grid zii.widgets.jui


继承 class CCookieCollection » CMap » CComponent
实现 Countable, ArrayAccess, Traversable, IteratorAggregate
可用自 1.0
源码 framework/web/CHttpRequest.php
CCookieCollection implements a collection class to store cookies.

You normally access it via CHttpRequest::getCookies().

Since CCookieCollection extends from CMap, it can be used like an associative array as follows:
$cookies[$name]=new CHttpCookie($name,$value); // sends a cookie
$value=$cookies[$name]->value; // reads a cookie value
unset($cookies[$name]);  // removes a cookie



count integer Returns the number of items in the map. CMap
iterator CMapIterator Returns an iterator for traversing the items in the list. CMap
keys array the key list CMap
readOnly boolean whether this map is read-only or not. CMap
request CHttpRequest the request instance CCookieCollection



cookies array list of validated cookies CCookieCollection



__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. CComponent
__construct() Constructor. CCookieCollection
__get() Returns a property value, an event handler list or a behavior based on its name. CComponent
__isset() Checks if a property value is null. CComponent
__set() Sets value of a component property. CComponent
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. CComponent
add() Adds a cookie with the specified name. CCookieCollection
asa() Returns the named behavior object. CComponent
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. CComponent
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. CComponent
attachEventHandler() Attaches an event handler to an event. CComponent
canGetProperty() Determines whether a property can be read. CComponent
canSetProperty() Determines whether a property can be set. CComponent
clear() Removes all items in the map. CMap
contains() CMap
copyFrom() Copies iterable data into the map. CMap
count() Returns the number of items in the map. CMap
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. CComponent
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. CComponent
detachEventHandler() Detaches an existing event handler. CComponent
disableBehavior() Disables an attached behavior. CComponent
disableBehaviors() Disables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
enableBehavior() Enables an attached behavior. CComponent
enableBehaviors() Enables all behaviors attached to this component. CComponent
evaluateExpression() Evaluates a PHP expression or callback under the context of this component. CComponent
getCount() Returns the number of items in the map. CMap
getEventHandlers() Returns the list of attached event handlers for an event. CComponent
getIterator() Returns an iterator for traversing the items in the list. CMap
getKeys() Returns the key list CMap
getReadOnly() Returns whether this map is read-only or not. Defaults to false. CMap
getRequest() Returns the request instance CCookieCollection
hasEvent() Determines whether an event is defined. CComponent
hasEventHandler() Checks whether the named event has attached handlers. CComponent
hasProperty() Determines whether a property is defined. CComponent
itemAt() Returns the item with the specified key. CMap
mergeArray() Merges two or more arrays into one recursively. CMap
mergeWith() Merges iterable data into the map. CMap
offsetExists() Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset. CMap
offsetGet() Returns the element at the specified offset. CMap
offsetSet() Sets the element at the specified offset. CMap
offsetUnset() Unsets the element at the specified offset. CMap
raiseEvent() Raises an event. CComponent
remove() Removes a cookie with the specified name. CCookieCollection
toArray() CMap



addCookie() Sends a cookie. CCookieCollection
getCookies() Returns list of validated cookies CCookieCollection
removeCookie() Deletes a cookie. CCookieCollection
setReadOnly() Sets whether this list is read-only or not CMap


cookies 属性 只读
protected array getCookies()

list of validated cookies

request 属性 只读

the request instance


__construct() 方法
public void __construct(CHttpRequest $request)
$request CHttpRequest owner of this collection.
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1428 (显示)
public function __construct(CHttpRequest $request)


add() 方法
public void add(mixed $name, CHttpCookie $cookie)
$name mixed Cookie name.
$cookie CHttpCookie Cookie object.
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1474 (显示)
public function add($name,$cookie)
$cookie instanceof CHttpCookie)
        throw new 
CException(Yii::t('yii','CHttpCookieCollection can only hold CHttpCookie objects.'));

Adds a cookie with the specified name. This overrides the parent implementation by performing additional operations for each newly added CHttpCookie object.

addCookie() 方法
protected void addCookie(CHttpCookie $cookie)
$cookie CHttpCookie cookie to be sent
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1523 (显示)
protected function addCookie($cookie)

Sends a cookie.

getCookies() 方法
protected array getCookies()
{return} array list of validated cookies
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1446 (显示)
protected function getCookies()
$_COOKIE as $name=>$value)
is_string($value) && ($value=$sm->validateData($value))!==false)
$cookies[$name]=new CHttpCookie($name,@unserialize($value));
$_COOKIE as $name=>$value)
$cookies[$name]=new CHttpCookie($name,$value);

getRequest() 方法
public CHttpRequest getRequest()
{return} CHttpRequest the request instance
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1438 (显示)
public function getRequest()

remove() 方法
public CHttpCookie remove(mixed $name, array $options=array ( ))
$name mixed Cookie name.
$options array Cookie configuration array consisting of name-value pairs, available since 1.1.11.
{return} CHttpCookie The removed cookie object.
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1505 (显示)
public function remove($name,$options=array())


Removes a cookie with the specified name. This overrides the parent implementation by performing additional cleanup work when removing a CHttpCookie object. Since version 1.1.11, the second parameter is available that can be used to specify the options of the CHttpCookie being removed. For example, this may be useful when dealing with ".domain.tld" where multiple subdomains are expected to be able to manage cookies:

Yii::app()->request->cookies['foo']=new CHttpCookie('cookie','value',$options);

removeCookie() 方法
protected void removeCookie(CHttpCookie $cookie)
$cookie CHttpCookie cookie to be deleted
源码: framework/web/CHttpRequest.php#1538 (显示)
protected function removeCookie($cookie)

Deletes a cookie.