没有命名空间的类 yii yii\base yii\behaviors yii\caching yii\captcha yii\console yii\console\controllers yii\console\widgets yii\data yii\db yii\db\conditions yii\db\cubrid yii\db\cubrid\conditions yii\db\mssql yii\db\mssql\conditions yii\db\mysql yii\db\oci yii\db\oci\conditions yii\db\pgsql yii\db\sqlite yii\db\sqlite\conditions yii\di yii\filters yii\filters\auth yii\grid yii\helpers yii\i18n yii\log yii\mail yii\mutex yii\rbac yii\rest yii\test yii\validators yii\web yii\widgets

Class yii\db\oci\Schema

继承yii\db\oci\Schema » yii\db\Schema » yii\base\BaseObject
实现yii\base\Configurable, yii\db\ConstraintFinderInterface
使用 Traitsyii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
源码 https://github.com/yiichina/yii2/blob/api/framework/db/oci/Schema.php

Schema 类用于从 Oracle 数据库检索元数据。



$columnSchemaClass string|array Column schema class or class config yii\db\Schema
$db yii\db\Connection The database connection yii\db\Schema
$defaultSchema string The default schema name used for the current session. yii\db\Schema
$exceptionMap array 数据库错误和相应异常的映射 如果在 DB 错误消息中找到映射关系的左侧部分,则使用右侧部分的异常类。 yii\db\oci\Schema
$lastInsertID string 插入的最后一行的行 ID,或从序列对象检索的最后一个值 yii\db\oci\Schema
$queryBuilder yii\db\QueryBuilder The query builder for this connection. yii\db\Schema
$schemaChecks \yii\db\CheckConstraint[][] Check constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$schemaDefaultValues yii\db\DefaultValueConstraint[] Default value constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$schemaForeignKeys \yii\db\ForeignKeyConstraint[][] Foreign keys for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$schemaIndexes \yii\db\IndexConstraint[][] Indexes for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$schemaNames string[] All schema names in the database, except system schemas. yii\db\Schema
$schemaPrimaryKeys yii\db\Constraint[] Primary keys for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$schemaUniques \yii\db\Constraint[][] Unique constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
$serverVersion string Server version as a string. yii\db\Schema
$tableNames string[] All table names in the database. yii\db\Schema
$tableSchemas yii\db\TableSchema[] The metadata for all tables in the database. yii\db\Schema
$transactionIsolationLevel string The transaction isolation level to use for this transaction. yii\db\Schema



$columnQuoteCharacter string|string[] Character used to quote column names. yii\db\Schema
$tableQuoteCharacter string|string[] Character used to quote schema, table, etc. yii\db\oci\Schema



__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\BaseObject
__construct() Constructor. yii\base\BaseObject
__get() Returns the value of an object property. yii\base\BaseObject
__isset() Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. yii\base\BaseObject
__set() Sets value of an object property. yii\base\BaseObject
__unset() Sets an object property to null. yii\base\BaseObject
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\BaseObject
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\BaseObject
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
convertException() Converts a DB exception to a more concrete one if possible. yii\db\Schema
createColumnSchemaBuilder() Create a column schema builder instance giving the type and value precision. yii\db\oci\Schema
createQueryBuilder() Creates a query builder for the database. yii\db\oci\Schema
createSavepoint() Creates a new savepoint. yii\db\Schema
findUniqueIndexes() 返回给定表的所有唯一索引。 每个数组元素都类似如下结构:。 yii\db\oci\Schema
getLastInsertID() yii\db\oci\Schema
getPdoType() Determines the PDO type for the given PHP data value. yii\db\Schema
getQueryBuilder() yii\db\Schema
getRawTableName() Returns the actual name of a given table name. yii\db\Schema
getSchemaChecks() Returns check constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getSchemaDefaultValues() Returns default value constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getSchemaForeignKeys() Returns foreign keys for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getSchemaIndexes() Returns indexes for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getSchemaNames() Returns all schema names in the database, except system schemas. yii\db\Schema
getSchemaPrimaryKeys() Returns primary keys for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getSchemaUniques() Returns unique constraints for all tables in the database. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getServerVersion() Returns a server version as a string comparable by \version_compare(). yii\db\Schema
getTableChecks() Obtains the check constraints information for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableDefaultValues() Obtains the default value constraints information for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableForeignKeys() Obtains the foreign keys information for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableIndexes() Obtains the indexes information for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableNames() Returns all table names in the database. yii\db\Schema
getTablePrimaryKey() Obtains the primary key for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableSchema() Obtains the metadata for the named table. yii\db\Schema
getTableSchemas() Returns the metadata for all tables in the database. yii\db\Schema
getTableUniques() Obtains the unique constraints information for the named table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\BaseObject
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined. yii\base\BaseObject
init() Initializes the object. yii\db\oci\Schema
insert() Executes the INSERT command, returning primary key values. yii\db\oci\Schema
isReadQuery() Returns a value indicating whether a SQL statement is for read purpose. yii\db\Schema
quoteColumnName() Quotes a column name for use in a query. yii\db\Schema
quoteSimpleColumnName() Quotes a simple column name for use in a query. yii\db\Schema
quoteSimpleTableName() Quotes a simple table name for use in a query. yii\db\oci\Schema
quoteTableName() Quotes a table name for use in a query. yii\db\Schema
quoteValue() Quotes a string value for use in a query. yii\db\Schema
refresh() Refreshes the schema. yii\db\Schema
refreshTableSchema() Refreshes the particular table schema. yii\db\Schema
releaseSavepoint() Releases an existing savepoint. yii\db\oci\Schema
rollBackSavepoint() Rolls back to a previously created savepoint. yii\db\Schema
setTransactionIsolationLevel() Sets the isolation level of the current transaction. yii\db\Schema
supportsSavepoint() yii\db\Schema
unquoteSimpleColumnName() Unquotes a simple column name. yii\db\Schema
unquoteSimpleTableName() Unquotes a simple table name. yii\db\Schema



createColumn() 创建 ColumnSchema 实例。 yii\db\oci\Schema
createColumnSchema() Creates a column schema for the database. yii\db\Schema
extractColumnSize() 从列的 DB 类型中提取大小、精度和比例信息。 yii\db\oci\Schema
extractColumnType() 提取给定列的数据类型。 yii\db\oci\Schema
findColumns() 搜集表元数据。 yii\db\oci\Schema
findConstraints() 查找约束,并将它们填充到传递的 TableSchema 对象中。 yii\db\oci\Schema
findSchemaNames() Returns all schema names in the database, including the default one but not system schemas. yii\db\oci\Schema
findTableNames() Returns all table names in the database. yii\db\oci\Schema
getCacheKey() Returns the cache key for the specified table name. yii\db\Schema
getCacheTag() Returns the cache tag name. yii\db\Schema
getColumnPhpType() Extracts the PHP type from abstract DB type. yii\db\Schema
getSchemaMetadata() Returns the metadata of the given type for all tables in the given schema. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableMetadata() Returns the metadata of the given type for the given table. yii\db\ConstraintFinderTrait
getTableSequenceName() 表的序列名称。 yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableChecks() yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableDefaultValues() yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableForeignKeys() yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableIndexes() yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTablePrimaryKey() yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableSchema() Loads the metadata for the specified table. yii\db\oci\Schema
loadTableUniques() yii\db\oci\Schema
normalizePdoRowKeyCase() Changes row's array key case to lower if PDO's one is set to uppercase. yii\db\Schema
resolveTableName() Resolves the table name and schema name (if any). yii\db\oci\Schema
resolveTableNames() 解析表名和数据库结构名称(如果有的话)。 yii\db\oci\Schema
setTableMetadata() Sets the metadata of the given type for the given table. yii\db\Schema



SCHEMA_CACHE_VERSION 1 Schema cache version, to detect incompatibilities in cached values when the data format of the cache changes. yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BIGINT 'bigint' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BIGPK 'bigpk' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BINARY 'binary' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_BOOLEAN 'boolean' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_CHAR 'char' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DATE 'date' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DATETIME 'datetime' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DECIMAL 'decimal' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_DOUBLE 'double' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_FLOAT 'float' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_INTEGER 'integer' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_JSON 'json' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_MONEY 'money' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_PK 'pk' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_SMALLINT 'smallint' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_STRING 'string' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TEXT 'text' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TIME 'time' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TIMESTAMP 'timestamp' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_TINYINT 'tinyint' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_UBIGPK 'ubigpk' yii\db\Schema
TYPE_UPK 'upk' yii\db\Schema


$exceptionMap 公共 属性

数据库错误和相应异常的映射 如果在 DB 错误消息中找到映射关系的左侧部分,则使用右侧部分的异常类。

public array $exceptionMap = ['ORA-00001: unique constraint' => 'yii\db\IntegrityException']
$lastInsertID 公共 只读 属性

插入的最后一行的行 ID,或从序列对象检索的最后一个值

public string getLastInsertID ( $sequenceName '' )
$tableQuoteCharacter 受保护 属性

Character used to quote schema, table, etc. names. An array of 2 characters can be used in case starting and ending characters are different.


createColumn() 受保护 方法

创建 ColumnSchema 实例。

protected yii\db\ColumnSchema createColumn($column)
$column array
createColumnSchemaBuilder() 公共 方法

Create a column schema builder instance giving the type and value precision.

This method may be overridden by child classes to create a DBMS-specific column schema builder.

public yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder createColumnSchemaBuilder($type, $length null)
$type string

Type of the column. See yii\db\oci\ColumnSchemaBuilder::$type.

$length integer|string|array

Length or precision of the column. See yii\db\oci\ColumnSchemaBuilder::$length.

return yii\db\ColumnSchemaBuilder

Column schema builder instance

createQueryBuilder() 公共 方法

Creates a query builder for the database.

This method may be overridden by child classes to create a DBMS-specific query builder.

public yii\db\QueryBuilder createQueryBuilder()
return yii\db\QueryBuilder

Query builder instance

extractColumnSize() 受保护 方法

从列的 DB 类型中提取大小、精度和比例信息。

protected void extractColumnSize($column, $dbType, $precision, $scale, $length)
$column yii\db\ColumnSchema
$dbType string

列的 DB 类型

$precision string

总位数。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

$scale string

小数点分隔符右侧的位数。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

$length string

字符类型的长度。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

extractColumnType() 受保护 方法


protected void extractColumnType($column, $dbType, $precision, $scale, $length)
$column yii\db\ColumnSchema
$dbType string

DB 类型

$precision string

总位数。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

$scale string

小数点分隔符右侧的位数。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

$length string

字符类型的长度。 此参数从 2.0.4 版本开始支持。

findColumns() 受保护 方法


protected boolean findColumns($table)
$table yii\db\TableSchema


return boolean


findConstraints() 受保护 方法

查找约束,并将它们填充到传递的 TableSchema 对象中。

protected void findConstraints($table)
$table yii\db\TableSchema
findSchemaNames() 受保护 方法

Returns all schema names in the database, including the default one but not system schemas.

This method should be overridden by child classes in order to support this feature because the default implementation simply throws an exception.

参见 https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28337/tdpsg_user_accounts.htm.

protected array findSchemaNames()
return array

All schema names in the database, except system schemas.

throws yii\base\NotSupportedException

if this method is not supported by the DBMS.

findTableNames() 受保护 方法

Returns all table names in the database.

This method should be overridden by child classes in order to support this feature because the default implementation simply throws an exception.

protected array findTableNames($schema '')
$schema string

The schema of the tables. Defaults to empty string, meaning the current or default schema.

return array

All table names in the database. The names have NO schema name prefix.

throws yii\base\NotSupportedException

if this method is not supported by the DBMS.

findUniqueIndexes() 公共 方法 (自版本 2.0.4 可用)

返回给定表的所有唯一索引。 每个数组元素都类似如下结构:。

    'IndexName1' => ['col1' [, ...]],
    'IndexName2' => ['col2' [, ...]],
public array findUniqueIndexes($table)
$table yii\db\TableSchema


return array


getLastInsertID() 公共 方法

参见 http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.PDO-lastInsertId.php -> Oracle 不支持这一点 返回最后插入的行或序列的 ID。.

public string getLastInsertID($sequenceName '')
$sequenceName string

序列对象的名称 (required by some DBMS)

return string

插入的最后一行的行 ID,或从序列对象检索的最后一个值

throws yii\base\InvalidCallException

如果 DB 连接处于非活动状态,则抛出异常

getTableSequenceName() 受保护 方法


protected string|null getTableSequenceName($tableName)
$tableName string
return string|null


init() 公共 方法

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

public void init()
insert() 公共 方法

Executes the INSERT command, returning primary key values.

public array|false insert($table, $columns)
$table string

The table that new rows will be inserted into.

$columns array

The column data (name => value) to be inserted into the table.

return array|false

Primary key values or false if the command fails

loadTableChecks() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTableChecks($tableName)
loadTableDefaultValues() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTableDefaultValues($tableName)
throws yii\base\NotSupportedException


loadTableForeignKeys() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTableForeignKeys($tableName)
loadTableIndexes() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTableIndexes($tableName)
loadTablePrimaryKey() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTablePrimaryKey($tableName)
loadTableSchema() 受保护 方法

Loads the metadata for the specified table.

protected yii\db\TableSchema|null loadTableSchema($name)
$name string

Table name

return yii\db\TableSchema|null

DBMS-dependent table metadata, null if the table does not exist.

loadTableUniques() 受保护 方法

protected void loadTableUniques($tableName)
quoteSimpleTableName() 公共 方法

Quotes a simple table name for use in a query.

A simple table name should contain the table name only without any schema prefix. If the table name is already quoted, this method will do nothing.

public string quoteSimpleTableName($name)
$name string

Table name

return string

The properly quoted table name

releaseSavepoint() 公共 方法

Releases an existing savepoint.

public void releaseSavepoint($name)
$name string

The savepoint name

resolveTableName() 受保护 方法

Resolves the table name and schema name (if any).

protected yii\db\TableSchema resolveTableName($name)
$name string

The table name

return yii\db\TableSchema

yii\db\TableSchema with resolved table, schema, etc. names.

throws yii\base\NotSupportedException

if this method is not supported by the DBMS.

resolveTableNames() 受保护 方法


protected void resolveTableNames($table, $name)
$table yii\db\TableSchema


$name string
