没有命名空间的类 yii yii\base yii\behaviors yii\caching yii\captcha yii\console yii\console\controllers yii\console\widgets yii\data yii\db yii\db\conditions yii\db\cubrid yii\db\cubrid\conditions yii\db\mssql yii\db\mssql\conditions yii\db\mysql yii\db\oci yii\db\oci\conditions yii\db\pgsql yii\db\sqlite yii\db\sqlite\conditions yii\di yii\filters yii\filters\auth yii\grid yii\helpers yii\i18n yii\log yii\mail yii\mutex yii\rbac yii\rest yii\test yii\validators yii\web yii\widgets

Class yii\console\Application

继承yii\console\Application » yii\base\Application » yii\base\Module » yii\di\ServiceLocator » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
源码 https://github.com/yiichina/yii2/blob/api/framework/console/Application.php

Application 代表一个控制台应用程序。

Application 继承自 yii\base\Application 通过提供特定于控制台请求的功能。 特别是, 它处理控制台请求通过基于命令的方法:

  • 控制台应用程序包含一个或多个可能的用户命令;
  • 每个用户命令都实现为继承 yii\console\Controller 的类;
  • 用户指定在命令行上运行哪个命令;
  • 该命令使用指定的参数处理用户请求。

命令类应位于 $controllerNamespace 指定的命名空间下。 它们的命名应遵循与控制器相同的命名约定。例如,help 命令 使用 HelpController 类实现。


yii <route> [--param1=value1 --param2 ...]

其中 <route> 指的是 ModuleID/ControllerID/ActionID 形式的控制器路由 (例如 sitemap/create),和 param1param2 指的是一组命名参数 将用于初始化控制器动作(例如 --since=0 指定一个 since 参数 其值为 0 并且将相应的 $since 参数传递给动作方法)。

默认提供 help 命令,列出可用命令并显示其用法。 要使用此命令,只需键入:

yii help



$aliases array List of path aliases to be defined. yii\base\Module
$assetManager yii\web\AssetManager The asset manager application component. yii\base\Application
$authManager yii\rbac\ManagerInterface The auth manager application component. yii\base\Application
$basePath string The root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
$behaviors yii\base\Behavior[] List of behaviors attached to this component yii\base\Component
$bootstrap array List of components that should be run during the application bootstrapping process. yii\base\Application
$cache yii\caching\CacheInterface The cache application component. yii\base\Application
$charset string The charset currently used for the application. yii\base\Application
$components array The 组件定义列表或加载的组件实例(ID => definition or instance)。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
$container array Values given in terms of name-value pairs yii\base\Application
$controller yii\console\Controller 当前运行的控制器实例 yii\console\Application
$controllerMap array Mapping from controller ID to controller configurations. yii\base\Module
$controllerNamespace string The namespace that controller classes are in. yii\base\Module
$controllerPath string The directory that contains the controller classes. yii\base\Module
$db yii\db\Connection The database connection. yii\base\Application
$defaultRoute string 此应用程序的默认路由。默认为 'help', 表示 help 命令。 yii\console\Application
$enableCoreCommands boolean 是否启用核心框架提供的命令。 默认为 true。 yii\console\Application
$errorHandler yii\console\ErrorHandler 错误处理程序应用程序组件。 yii\console\Application
$extensions array List of installed Yii extensions. yii\base\Application
$formatter yii\i18n\Formatter The formatter application component. yii\base\Application
$i18n yii\i18n\I18N The internationalization application component. yii\base\Application
$id string An ID that uniquely identifies this module among other modules which have the same parent. yii\base\Module
$language string The language that is meant to be used for end users. yii\base\Application
$layout string|boolean The layout that should be applied for views within this module. yii\base\Module
$layoutPath string The root directory of layout files. yii\base\Module
$loadedModules array List of loaded modules indexed by their class names. yii\base\Application
$log yii\log\Dispatcher The log dispatcher application component. yii\base\Application
$mailer yii\mail\MailerInterface The mailer application component. yii\base\Application
$module yii\base\Module The parent module of this module. yii\base\Module
$modules array The modules (indexed by their IDs). yii\base\Module
$name string The application name. yii\base\Application
$params array Custom module parameters (name => value). yii\base\Module
$request yii\console\Request 请求组件。 yii\console\Application
$requestedAction yii\base\Action The requested Action. yii\base\Application
$requestedParams array The parameters supplied to the requested action. yii\base\Application
$requestedRoute string The requested route yii\base\Application
$response yii\console\Response 响应组件。 yii\console\Application
$runtimePath string The directory that stores runtime files. yii\base\Application
$security yii\base\Security The security application component. yii\base\Application
$sourceLanguage string The language that the application is written in. yii\base\Application
$state integer The current application state during a request handling life cycle. yii\base\Application
$timeZone string The time zone used by this application. yii\base\Application
$uniqueId string The unique ID of the module. yii\base\Module
$urlManager yii\web\UrlManager The URL manager for this application. yii\base\Application
$vendorPath string The directory that stores vendor files. yii\base\Application
$version string The version of this module. yii\base\Module
$view yii\base\View|yii\web\View The view application component that is used to render various view files. yii\base\Application
$viewPath string The root directory of view files. yii\base\Module



__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\Component
__clone() This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. yii\base\Component
__construct() Constructor. yii\console\Application
__get() Getter 魔术方法。 重写此方法以支持访问诸如读取属性之类的组件。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
__isset() 检查属性值是否为 null。 此方法通过检查是否已加载命名组件来覆盖父类的实现。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
__set() Sets the value of a component property. yii\base\Component
__unset() Sets a component property to be null. yii\base\Component
afterAction() This method is invoked right after an action within this module is executed. yii\base\Module
attachBehavior() Attaches a behavior to this component. yii\base\Component
attachBehaviors() Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. yii\base\Component
beforeAction() This method is invoked right before an action within this module is executed. yii\base\Module
behaviors() Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. yii\base\Component
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\Component
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\Component
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\BaseObject
clear() 从定位器移除组件。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
coreCommands() 返回内置命令的配置。 yii\console\Application
coreComponents() Returns the configuration of core application components. yii\console\Application
createController() Creates a controller instance based on the given route. yii\base\Module
createControllerByID() Creates a controller based on the given controller ID. yii\base\Module
detachBehavior() Detaches a behavior from the component. yii\base\Component
detachBehaviors() Detaches all behaviors from the component. yii\base\Component
end() Terminates the application. yii\base\Application
ensureBehaviors() Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. yii\base\Component
get() 返回具有指定 ID 的组件实例。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
getAssetManager() Returns the asset manager. yii\base\Application
getAuthManager() Returns the auth manager for this application. yii\base\Application
getBasePath() Returns the root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
getBehavior() Returns the named behavior object. yii\base\Component
getBehaviors() Returns all behaviors attached to this component. yii\base\Component
getCache() Returns the cache component. yii\base\Application
getComponents() 返回组件定义列表或已加载的组件实例。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
getControllerPath() Returns the directory that contains the controller classes according to $controllerNamespace. yii\base\Module
getDb() Returns the database connection component. yii\base\Application
getErrorHandler() 返回错误处理程序组件。 yii\console\Application
getFormatter() Returns the formatter component. yii\base\Application
getI18n() Returns the internationalization (i18n) component. yii\base\Application
getInstance() Returns the currently requested instance of this module class. yii\base\Module
getLayoutPath() Returns the directory that contains layout view files for this module. yii\base\Module
getLog() Returns the log dispatcher component. yii\base\Application
getMailer() Returns the mailer component. yii\base\Application
getModule() Retrieves the child module of the specified ID. yii\base\Module
getModules() Returns the sub-modules in this module. yii\base\Module
getRequest() 返回请求组件。 yii\console\Application
getResponse() 返回响应组件。 yii\console\Application
getRuntimePath() Returns the directory that stores runtime files. yii\base\Application
getSecurity() Returns the security component. yii\base\Application
getTimeZone() Returns the time zone used by this application. yii\base\Application
getUniqueId() Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application. yii\base\Module
getUrlManager() Returns the URL manager for this application. yii\base\Application
getVendorPath() Returns the directory that stores vendor files. yii\base\Application
getVersion() Returns current module version. yii\base\Module
getView() Returns the view object. yii\base\Application
getViewPath() Returns the directory that contains the view files for this module. yii\base\Module
handleRequest() 处理指定的请求。 yii\console\Application
has() 返回一个值,该值表示定位器是否具有指定的组件定义或是否已实例化该组件。 此方法根据 $checkInstance 的值返回不同的结果。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
hasEventHandlers() Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. yii\base\Component
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\Component
hasModule() Checks whether the child module of the specified ID exists. yii\base\Module
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. yii\base\Component
init() 初始化应用程序。 yii\console\Application
off() Detaches an existing event handler from this component. yii\base\Component
on() Attaches an event handler to an event. yii\base\Component
preInit() Pre-initializes the application. yii\base\Application
run() Runs the application. yii\base\Application
runAction() 运行路由指定的控制器操作。 此方法解析指定的路由并创建相应的子模块,控制器和动作实例。 然后调用 yii\console\Controller::runAction() 通过给定的参数来运行动作。 如果路由为空,则方法将使用 $defaultRoute yii\console\Application
set() 用定位器注册一个组件。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
setAliases() Defines path aliases. yii\base\Module
setBasePath() Sets the root directory of the module. yii\base\Module
setComponents() 在定位器中注册一组组件定义。 yii\di\ServiceLocator
setContainer() Configures Yii::$container with the $config. yii\base\Application
setInstance() Sets the currently requested instance of this module class. yii\base\Module
setLayoutPath() Sets the directory that contains the layout files. yii\base\Module
setModule() Adds a sub-module to this module. yii\base\Module
setModules() Registers sub-modules in the current module. yii\base\Module
setRuntimePath() Sets the directory that stores runtime files. yii\base\Application
setTimeZone() Sets the time zone used by this application. yii\base\Application
setVendorPath() Sets the directory that stores vendor files. yii\base\Application
setVersion() Sets current module version. yii\base\Module
setViewPath() Sets the directory that contains the view files. yii\base\Module
trigger() Triggers an event. yii\base\Component



bootstrap() Initializes extensions and executes bootstrap components. yii\base\Application
defaultVersion() Returns default module version. yii\base\Module
loadConfig() 加载配置。 此方法将检查是否指定了命令行选项 OPTION_APPCONFIG。 如果是,则将相应的文件作为应用程序配置加载。 否则,将返回作为参数提供的配置。 yii\console\Application
registerErrorHandler() Registers the errorHandler component as a PHP error handler. yii\base\Application



EVENT_AFTER_ACTION yii\base\ActionEvent An event raised after executing a controller action. yii\base\Module
EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST yii\base\Event An event raised after the application successfully handles a request (before the response is sent out). yii\base\Application
EVENT_BEFORE_ACTION yii\base\ActionEvent An event raised before executing a controller action. yii\base\Module
EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST yii\base\Event An event raised before the application starts to handle a request. yii\base\Application



OPTION_APPCONFIG 'appconfig' 用于指定应用程序配置文件路径的选项名称。 yii\console\Application
STATE_AFTER_REQUEST 4 Application state used by $state: application is triggering EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST. . yii\base\Application
STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST 2 Application state used by $state: application is triggering EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST. yii\base\Application
STATE_BEGIN 0 Application state used by $state: application just started. yii\base\Application
STATE_END 6 Application state used by $state: application has ended. yii\base\Application
STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST 3 Application state used by $state: application is handling the request. yii\base\Application
STATE_INIT 1 Application state used by $state: application is initializing. yii\base\Application
STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE 5 Application state used by $state: application is about to send response. yii\base\Application


$controller 公共 属性


$defaultRoute 公共 属性

此应用程序的默认路由。默认为 'help', 表示 help 命令。

public string $defaultRoute 'help'
$enableCoreCommands 公共 属性

是否启用核心框架提供的命令。 默认为 true。

$errorHandler 公共 只读 属性


$request 公共 只读 属性


$response 公共 只读 属性



__construct() 公共 方法


public void __construct($config = [])
$config array

Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties. Note that the configuration must contain both $id and $basePath.

throws yii\base\InvalidConfigException

if either $id or $basePath configuration is missing.

coreCommands() 公共 方法


public array coreCommands()
return array


coreComponents() 公共 方法

Returns the configuration of core application components.

public void coreComponents()
getErrorHandler() 公共 方法


public yii\console\ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
return yii\console\ErrorHandler


getRequest() 公共 方法


public yii\console\Request getRequest()
return yii\console\Request


getResponse() 公共 方法


public yii\console\Response getResponse()
return yii\console\Response


handleRequest() 公共 方法


public yii\console\Response handleRequest($request)
$request yii\console\Request


return yii\console\Response


init() 公共 方法


public void init()
loadConfig() 受保护 方法

加载配置。 此方法将检查是否指定了命令行选项 OPTION_APPCONFIG。 如果是,则将相应的文件作为应用程序配置加载。 否则,将返回作为参数提供的配置。

protected array loadConfig($config)
$config array


return array


runAction() 公共 方法

运行路由指定的控制器操作。 此方法解析指定的路由并创建相应的子模块,控制器和动作实例。 然后调用 yii\console\Controller::runAction() 通过给定的参数来运行动作。 如果路由为空,则方法将使用 $defaultRoute

例如,运行 public function actionTest($a, $b) 假设控制器有选项 应使用以下代码:

\Yii::$app->runAction('controller/test', ['option' => 'value', $a, $b]);
public integer|yii\console\Response runAction($route, $params = [])
$route string


$params array


return integer|yii\console\Response

动作的结果。这可以是退出码或 Response 对象。 退出代码 0 表示正常,其他值表示异常。退出代码 null 也被视为 0

throws yii\console\Exception
