yidashi 2015-12-28 14:47:45 4512次浏览 5条回复 1 0 0




查询缓存需要一个 yii\db\Connection 和一个有效的 cache 应用组件。查询缓存的基本用法如下,假设 $db 是一个 yii\db\Connection 实例:

$duration = 60;     // 缓存查询结果60秒
$dependency = ...;  // 可选的缓存依赖

$db->beginCache($duration, $dependency);

// ...这儿执行数据库查询...


如你所见,beginCache() 和 endCache() 中间的任何查询结果都会被缓存起来。如果缓存中找到了同样查询的结果,则查询会被跳过,直接从缓存中提取结果。

查询缓存可以用于 ActiveRecord 和 DAO。


Query Caching Query caching is a special caching feature built on top of data caching. It is provided to cache the result of database queries.

Query caching requires a DB connection and a valid cache application component. The basic usage of query caching is as follows, assuming $db is a yii\db\Connection instance:

$result = $db->cache(function ($db) {

    // the result of the SQL query will be served from the cache
    // if query caching is enabled and the query result is found in the cache
    return $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1')->queryOne();


Query caching can be used for DAO as well as ActiveRecord:

$result = Customer::getDb()->cache(function ($db) {
    return Customer::find()->where(['id' => 1])->one();


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