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Gridview日期过滤列(filter date column for gridview in Yii framework) Posted on 2011 年 04 月 22 日 by Syang SYDateColumn下载(Download SYDateColumn 先看图(First look snapshot):

ok,这里我自定义了一个日期列挂件,扩展了CDataColumn,名叫SYDateColumn.php,代码贴了下面 (OK,this is a custom widget of a date column, extends CDataColumn, its name is SYDateColumn.php. Code:) SYDateColumn.php view sourceprint?01


02 Yii::import('zii.widgets.grid.CDataColumn');  


04 class SYDateColumn extends CDataColumn  

05 {  


07     /**  

08      * if filter is false then no show filter  

09      * else if filter is 'range' string then show from input to input  

10      * else if filter is 'single' string then show input  

11      * @var mixed  

12      */ 

13     public $filter='range';  


15     public $language = false;  


17     /**  

18      * jquery-ui theme name  

19      * @var string  

20      */ 

21     public $theme = 'base';  


23     public $fromText = 'From: ';  


25     public $toText = 'To: ';  


27     public $dateFormat = 'yy-mm-dd';  


29     public $dateInputStyle="width:70%";  


31     public $dateLabelStyle="width:30%;display:block;float:left;";  


33     public $dateOptions = array();  


35     /**  

36      * Renders the filter cell content.  

37      */ 

38     protected function renderFilterCellContent()  

39     {  

40         if($this->filter!==false && $this->grid->filter!==null && $this->name!==null && strpos($this->name,'.')===false)  

41         {  


43             $cs=Yii::app()->getClientScript();  

44             $cs->registerCssFile($cs->getCoreScriptUrl().'/jui/css/'. $this->theme .'/jquery-ui.css');  

45             if ($this->language!==false) {  

46                 $cs->registerScriptFile($cs->getCoreScriptUrl().'/jui/js/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js');  

47             }  

48             $cs->registerScriptFile($cs->getCoreScriptUrl().'/jui/js/jquery-ui.min.js');  


50             if ($this->filter=='range') {  

51                 echo CHtml::tag('div', array(), "<SPAN>". $this->fromText ."</SPAN>" . CHtml::activeTextField($this->grid->filter, $this->name.'_range[from]', array('style'=>$this->dateInputStyle, 'class'=>'filter-date')));  

52                 echo CHtml::tag('div', array(), "<SPAN>". $this->toText ."</SPAN>". CHtml::activeTextField($this->grid->filter, $this->name.'_range[to]', array('style'=>$this->dateInputStyle, 'class'=>'filter-date')));  

53             }  

54             else {  

55                 echo CHtml::tag('div', array(), CHtml::activeTextField($this->grid->filter, $this->name.'_range[to]', array('class'=>'filter-date')));  

56             }  

57             $options=CJavaScript::encode($this->dateOptions);  


59             if ($this->language!==false) {  

60 $js=<<<EOD $(filter_date).datepicker(jQuery.extend({dateFormat:?{$this->dateFormat}'}, jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}'], {$options}));  

61 EOD;  

62             }  

63             else {  

64 $js=<<<EOD $(filter_date).datepicker(jQuery.extend({dateFormat:?{$this->dateFormat}'}, {$options}));  

65 EOD;  

66             }  

67 $js=<<<EOD $cs- EOD; }); {$js} function(){ ?mousedown?, $(?body?).delegate(filter_date, ; filter_date='#{$this->grid->id} input[class="filter-date"]' var>registerScript(__CLASS__, $js);  

68     }  

69         else 

70             parent::renderFilterCellContent();  

71     }  


73 } 

好,这个类使用了jui的类库,刚好yii自带了这个类库,所以我们也不用其它的js文件了,方便部署,放到components中就可以, (OK, the class used JUI library.jui build-in Yii,So we do not have other js files.please move the class to protectd/components.) 下面我们设置一个gridview的日期列,示例代码如下: (e.g. Usage as follows in view file:) view sourceprint?01


02 ...  


04         'title',  

05         array(  

06             'header'=>'creation_time',  

07             'name'=>'creation_time',  

08             'class'=>'SYDateColumn' 

09         ),  

10         array(  

11             'header'=>'update_time',  

12             'name'=>'update_time',  

13             'filter'=>'single',  

14             'class'=>'SYDateColumn' 

15         ),  

16         array(  

17             'class'=>'CButtonColumn',  

18         ),  

19     ), 

这里,指定了使用日期列的类名,SYDateColumn类名以我的名字作为前缀,呵呵。 (Here, using the class name SYDateCloumn of the column. SY is my name.) 现在要说一下,这个类的一个属性 (Now,Introduce property of this class)

$filter=’range’; //默认,会使用一个范围 (default. value is range or single, false,will not show fliter).
$language = false; //这是jquery-ui的语言,中文请指定为zh_CN (jquery-ui language)
$theme = ‘base’; //jquery-ui主题包,yii只有一个base的,这个默认就行了 (jquery-ui theme)
$fromText = ‘From: ‘; //如果使用一个范围,那这个文字会显示在输入框前面 (if $filter is range,that filter inputbox before text)
$toText = ‘To: ‘; //同上(ibid)
$dateFormat = ‘yy-mm-dd’; //日期格式,是datepicker使用的,(dateformat)
$dateInputStyle=”width:70%”; //如果使用范围,会使用这个样式控制输入框 (if $filter is range, inputbox style)
$dateLabelStyle=”width:30%;display:block;float:left;”; //如果使用范围,会使用这个样式控制标签(if $filter is range, text style)
$dateOptions = array(); //需要传给datepicker的一些附加选项。(datepicker additional Options);
(ok, the class will create attribute name of model and join _range['from'] and/or _range['to'] input name.)
e.g. ‘name’=>’creation_time’, filter input name is create_time_range['from'] and create_time_range['to'])
‘filter’=>’single’, filter input name is create_time_range['to'])

好,下面我们改造model 因为加了与数据库字段不相关的model属性,所以这里我们定义一个属性 如上面的示例列。 (OK, we are change model class, Because additional field is not associated with the database, the model attributes, so we define a property) view sourceprint?

1 XXXX extends CActionModel  

2 {  

3 ...  

4     public $creation_time_range = array();  

5     public $update_time_range = array();  

6 ...  

7 } 

好,下面要把这两个属性加到rules里,作为safe方法,要不model不会把这两个属性赋值,示例代码如下: (OK, The following rules should add these two properties, the method as a safe, Otherwise, the new property will not be assigned additional.) view sourceprint?

1 function rules() {  

2   return array(  

3         ...  

4       array('....., creation_time_range, update_time_range', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),

现在,我们修改search方法,修改查询条件, 这里因为我的表使用了日期字段。如果你使用其它字段类型请相应修改。 (We modify the query at search method in Module class , the table used the date type field. If you use other field types, please be amended accordingly.) view sourceprint?

01 function search() {  

02 ...  


04         //creation_time_range  

05         $from = $to = '';  

06         if (count($this->creation_time_range)>=1) {  

07             if (isset($this->creation_time_range['from'])) {  

08                 $from = $this->creation_time_range['from'];  

09             }  

10             if (isset($this->creation_time_range['to'])) {  

11                 $to= $this->creation_time_range['to'];  

12             }  

13         }  


15         if ($from!='' || $to !='') {  

16             if ($from!='' && $to!='') {  

17                 $from = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($from));  

18                 $to = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($to));  

19                 $criteria->compare('creation_time',"> $from",true);  

20                 $criteria->compare('creation_time',"< $to",true);  

21             }  

22             else {  

23                 if ($from!='') $creation_time = $from;  

24                 if ($to != '') $creation_time = $to;  

25                 $creation_time = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($creation_time));  


27                 $criteria->compare('creation_time', "$creation_time" ,true);  

28             }  

29         }  


31         //update_time  

32         $to = '';  

33         if (isset($this->update_time_range['to'])) {  

34             $to= $this->update_time_range['to'];  

35         }  

36         if ($to!='') {  

37             $update_time = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($to));  

38             $criteria->compare('update_time',$update_time,true);  

39         }  

40 } 

ok,通过以上修改,日期过滤列就实现了。) (ok, completed.)

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