bubifengyun 2015-11-21 18:52:48 5914次浏览 2条回复 0 0 0

Language - PHP

VS Code is now using the official PHP linter (php -l) for PHP language diagnostics. VS Code will now stay current with PHP linter improvements.

There are two new settings to control the PHP linter:

  • php.validate.executablePath: points to the PHP executable on disk. Set this if the PHP executable is not on the system path.
  • php.validate.run: controls whether the validation is triggered on save (value: "onSave") or on type (value: "onType"). Default is on save.

visual studio code最近开源了,可能对php支持更好。各位可以了解一下。

  • 回复于 2015-11-22 18:22 举报

    已经下载使用了,如果习惯了,真打算从sublime转到VS Code

  • 回复于 2015-11-22 19:03 举报

    我还在坚持 ZS + sublime, VS code 很好用吗?

    2 条回复
    回复于 2015-11-22 19:17 回复


    回复于 2015-11-22 20:55 回复

    对的 习惯最重要,我自己用习惯了ZS,就一直没有变过,虽然它在Mac下的替代方案很多,但是依然还在坚持着。

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