jQueryUI 扩展 2.0.7 版本发布了
发布于 2017-11-25我们发布了 jQueryUI 扩展的 2.0.7 版本。此版本修复了 bugs 并且更新了 jQueryUI 的依赖关系,使它能够运用在最新版的 Yii 中。
Queue 扩展 2.0.1 版本发布了
发布于 2017-11-13我们很高兴的宣布 Queue 扩展 2.0.1 版本发布了。此版本修复了一些 bugs 并且添加了一些改进,下面我们回顾一下。
Twig 扩展 2.2.0 版本发布了
发布于 2017-11-07We've released major version 2.2.0 of the Twig extension. This version changes are:
authclient, httpclient, mongodb, 和sphinx 扩展的新版本发布了
发布于 2017-11-03we are very pleased to announce the release of some extensions, which among other things include fixes to makes them fully compatible with PHP 7.2:
Yii 2.0.13 发布了
发布于 2017-11-02We are very pleased to announce the release of Yii Framework version 2.0.13. Please refer to the instructions at to install or upgrade to this version.
关于 Bower 和 Asset 插件的重要提示
发布于 2017-10-20Bower has changed their registry URL some time ago and has now announced to deprecate the old URL. Old registry will be disabled next Wednesday. In order for your work not to be affected make sure to update your composer asset plugin to the latest version
Twig 扩展 2.1.1 版本发布了
发布于 2017-10-11Today we've released version 2.1.1 of the Twig extension. Changes are the following:
Bootstrap 扩展 2.0.7 版本发布了
发布于 2017-10-09We are very pleased to announce the release of Bootstrap extension version 2.0.7 which both fixes bugs and makes small enhancements.
Debug 扩展 2.0.12 版本发布了
发布于 2017-09-04We are very pleased to announce the release of Debug Toolbar extension version 2.0.12 which fixes two regressions since latest release.
YiiConf 印度尼西亚 2017
发布于 2017-08-20August 26, 2017 YiiConf Indonesia will be held at Jakarta.
SwiftMailer 扩展 2.1.0 版本发布了
发布于 2017-08-04We are very pleased to announce the release of the SwiftMailer extension version 2.1.0, which uses the latest SwitMailer versions - 6.x.
Yii 2 Queue 扩展发布了
发布于 2017-07-17We are happy to announce the release of the first official stable version of the Yii 2 Queue Extension. Roman Zhuravlev took care of rewriting and polishing the queue extension after core team and community made initial prototypes. His work had been relea
MongoDB 扩展 2.1.4 版本发布了
发布于 2017-06-23我们很高兴的宣布 MongoDB 扩展 2.1.4 版本发布了,修复了 6 个bug。
HTTP 客户端扩展 2.0.4 版本发布了
发布于 2017-06-23我们很高兴的宣布 HTTP 客户端扩展 2.0.4 版本发布了,修复了 4 个 bug。
认证客户端扩展 2.1.3 版本发布了
发布于 2017-06-23我们很高兴的宣布认证客户端扩展 2.1.3 版本发布了,其中包含大约 8 个新功能和 bug 的修复。
Yii 1.1.19 发布了
发布于 2017-06-08我们很高兴的宣布 Yii 框架 1.1.19 版本发布了。您可以到 下载此版本。
Yii 2.0.12 发布了
发布于 2017-06-05我们很高兴的宣布 Yii 框架 2.0.12 版本发布了。请参考说明 安装或升级到此版本。
Sphinx 扩展 2.0.8 版本发布了
发布于 2017-05-15We are very pleased to announce the release of Sphinx extension version 2.0.8 which fixes sql_attr_timestamp PHP type detection.
SwiftMailer 扩展 2.0.7 发布了
发布于 2017-05-01We are very pleased to announce the release of the Swiftmailer extension version 2.0.7 which brings 3 enhancements and bug fixes.
Yii 1.1.18 发布了
发布于 2017-04-19We are very pleased to announce that Yii Framework version 1.1.18 is released. You can download it at
- yii3
- 扩展
- 发布
- yii2
- debug
- view
- auth client
- bootstrap
- html
- release
- apidoc
- redis
- Yii 2.0
- mongodb
- Yii 1.1
- extensions
- mailer
- gii
- console
- http 客户端
- runner
- validation
- twig
- queue
- cache
- translator
- hydrator
- widget
- http
- sphinx
- error handler
- db
- config
- log
- symfonymailer
- router
- elasticsearch
- swagger
- assets
- swiftmailer
- 图书
- imagine
- csrf
- i18n
- definitions
- rbac
- user
- smarty
- logging