控制器是 CController 或者其子类的实例. 用户请求应用时,创建控制器。
class SiteController extends CController
1. 路由(Route) ¶
控制器和actions通过ID标识的。控制器ID的格式: path/to/xyz
相应的 xyz
应该用实际的控制器名替换 (例如 post
对应 protected/controllers/PostController.php
Action ID与 action
前辍构成 action method。例如,控制器类包含一个 actionEdit
方法, 对应的 action ID就是 edit
注意: 在1.0.3版本之前, 控制器ID的格式是
Users request for a particular controller and action in terms of route. A
route is formed by concatenating a controller ID and an action ID separated
by a slash. For example, the route post/edit
refers to PostController
and its edit
action. And by default, the URL
would request for this controller
and action.
注意: By default, routes are case-sensitive. Since version 1.0.1, it is possible to make routes case-insensitive by setting CUrlManager::caseSensitive to be false in the application configuration. When in case-insensitive mode, make sure you follow the convention that directories containing controller class files are in lower case, and both controller map and action map are using keys in lower case.
Since version 1.0.3, an application can contain modules. The route for a controller action inside a module is in the format of moduleID/controllerID/actionID
. For more details, see the section about modules.
2. 控制器实例化 ¶
If CWebApplication::catchAllRequest is specified, a controller will be created based on this property, and the user-specified controller ID will be ignored. This is mainly used to put the application under maintenance mode and display a static notice page.
If the ID is found in CWebApplication::controllerMap, the corresponding controller configuration will be used to create the controller instance.
If the ID is in the format of
, the controller class name is assumed to beXyzController
and the corresponding class file isprotected/controllers/path/to/XyzController.php
. For example, a controller IDadmin/user
would be resolved as the controller classUserController
and the class fileprotected/controllers/admin/UserController.php
. If the class file does not exist, a 404 CHttpException will be raised.
In case when modules are used (available since version 1.0.3), the above process is slighly different. In particular, the application will check if the ID refers to a controller inside a module, and if so, the module instance will be created first followed by the controller instance.
3. Action ¶
As aforementioned, an action can be defined as a method whose name starts
with the word action
. A more advanced way is to define an action class
and ask the controller to instantiate it when requested. This allows
actions to be reused and thus introduces more reusability.
To define a new action class, do the following:
class UpdateAction extends CAction
public function run()
// place the action logic here
In order for the controller to be aware of this action, we override the actions() method of our controller class:
class PostController extends CController
public function actions()
return array(
Writing class-based actions, we can organize an application in a modular fashion以模块方式组织程序。例如,可以使用下边的目录结构组织控制器代码:
protected/ controllers/ PostController.php UserController.php post/ CreateAction.php ReadAction.php UpdateAction.php user/ CreateAction.php ListAction.php ProfileAction.php UpdateAction.php
4. Filter ¶
Filter is a piece of code that is configured to be executed before and/or after a controller action executes. For example, an access control filter may be executed to ensure that the user is authenticated before executing the requested action; a performance filter may be used to measure the time spent in the action execution.
An action can have multiple filters. The filters are executed in the order that they appear in the filter list. A filter can prevent the execution of the action and the rest of the unexecuted filters.
A filter can be defined as a controller class method. The method name must
begin with filter
. For example, the existence of the
method defines a filter named accessControl
. The
filter method must be of the signature:
public function filterAccessControl($filterChain)
// call $filterChain->run() to continue filtering and action execution
where $filterChain
is an instance of CFilterChain which represents the
filter list associated with the requested action. Inside the filter method,
we can call $filterChain->run()
to continue filtering and action
A filter can also be an instance of CFilter or its child class. The following code defines a new filter class:
class PerformanceFilter extends CFilter
protected function preFilter($filterChain)
// logic being applied before the action is executed
return true; // false if the action should not be executed
protected function postFilter($filterChain)
// logic being applied after the action is executed
To apply filters to actions, we need to override the
method. The method should return an array of
filter configurations. For example,
class PostController extends CController
public function filters()
return array(
'postOnly + edit, create',
'application.filters.PerformanceFilter - edit, create',
The above code specifies two filters: postOnly
and PerformanceFilter
The postOnly
filter is method-based (the corresponding filter method is
defined in CController already); while the PerformanceFilter
filter is
object-based. The path alias application.filters.PerformanceFilter
specifies that the filter class file is
. We use an array to configure
so that it may be used to initialize the property
values of the filter object. Here the unit
property of
will be initialized as 'second'
Using the plus and the minus operators, we can specify which actions the
filter should and should not be applied to. In the above, the postOnly
should be applied to the edit
and create
actions, while
should be applied to all actions EXCEPT edit
. If neither plus nor minus appears in the filter configuration,
the filter will be applied to all actions.