2024-08-26 355次浏览

First release of Yii Form package was done. It provides a set of widgets to help with dynamic server-side generation of HTML forms. The following widgets are available out of the box:

  • input fields: Checkbox , CheckboxList , Date , DateTimeLocal , Email , File , Hidden , Image , Number , Password , RadioList , Range , Select , Telephone , Text , Textarea , Time , Url ;
  • buttons: Button , ResetButton , SubmitButton ;
  • group widgets: ButtonGroup , Fieldset .
  • other: ErrorSummary .

General usage:

use Yiisoft\Form\PureField\Field;

echo Field::text('firstName', theme: 'horizontal')
  ->label('First Name')
echo Field::text('lastName', theme: 'horizontal')
  ->label('Last Name');
echo Field::select('sex')
  ->optionsData(['m' => 'Male', 'f' => 'Female'])
echo Field::number('age')
  ->hint('Please enter your age.');
echo Field::submitButton('Submit')