Yii 1.1.28 is released and security support extend
We are very pleased to announce that Yii Framework version 1.1.28 is released. You can download it at yiichina.com/download/.
Yii 1.1.28 adds support for PHP 8.2 and improves compatibility with PHP 8.1.
This release is a release of Yii 1.1, which has reached maintenance mode and will only receive security and compatibility fixes. For the complete list of changes in this release, please see the change log. For upgrading, always make sure to read the upgrade instructions.
Yii 1.1 end of life was scheduled on 2023-12-31, however through support from our community we are pleased to announce extended support until 2026-12-31. This still only applies to security and compatibility fixes. Going forward, we may drop support for outdated PHP versions in order to stay compatible with currently supported PHP versions. See https://www.yiiframework.com/release-cycle for more details.
我们要感谢所有贡献者,他们花费了宝贵的时间来帮助改进 Yii 并使这个版本的发布成为可能。
- yii3
- 扩展
- 发布
- yii2
- debug
- view
- auth client
- bootstrap
- html
- release
- apidoc
- redis
- Yii 2.0
- mongodb
- Yii 1.1
- extensions
- mailer
- gii
- console
- runner
- http 客户端
- validation
- twig
- queue
- http
- translator
- cache
- hydrator
- widget
- sphinx
- error handler
- config
- db
- log
- assets
- symfonymailer
- router
- elasticsearch
- swagger
- swiftmailer
- 图书
- imagine
- definitions
- user
- csrf
- i18n
- fastroute
- rbac
- logging