2022-08-18 756次浏览

我们非常高兴地宣布 Yii Framework 2.0.46 版本发布了。

请参阅 https://www.yiichina.com/download 上的说明以安装或升级到此版本。

This release fixes more PHP 8.1 compatibility issues, fixes significant number of bugs and adds some enhancements.

Additionally, there are updates in the application templates:

  • Templates are now tested on PHP 8.1, minimum required version is raised to 7.4.
  • Updated to Bootstrap5.
  • Swiftmailer replaced with Symfonymailer.
  • Updated to Codeception 5.
  • ::class is used now instead of strings.

Special thanks to virtual-designer, longthanhtran, WinterSilence, Arkeins, githubjeka, bizley, wa1kb0y, EtienneBruines for contributing compatibility fixes.

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