2021-12-29 885次浏览

我们非常高兴地宣布 Yii Framework 2.0.44 版本发布了。请参阅 https://www.yiichina.com/download 上的说明以安装或升级到此版本。此版本包括许多错误修复、安全增强和功能增强。亮点包括:

  • Added ability to turn the sorting off for a clicked column in GridView with multisort.
  • Added yii\helpers\Json::$keepObjectType and yii\web\JsonResponseFormatter::$keepObjectType in order to avoid changing zero-indexed objects to array in yii\helpers\Json::encode() .
  • Added support for URI namespaced tags in XmlResponseFormatter .
  • Added yiiActiveForm validate_only property for skipping form auto-submission.
  • Added yii\base\Module::setControllerPath() .
  • Added yii\helper\BaseHtml::$normalizeClassAttribute . When enabled, it will remove duplicate classes from tags generated.
  • Added XmlResponseFormatter::$objectTagToLowercase option to lowercase object tags.
  • Reduced memory usage in yii\base\View::afterRender method and other performance enhancements including events handling.

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