2009-04-05 2144次浏览

We are proud to announce the release of Yii Framework v1.0.4!

In this release, we included about thirty feature enhancements and more than twenty bug fixes. We continue to improve the powerful ActiveRecord (AR) implementation in Yii. In particular, we added support for using SQL Server with AR (thanks to Christophe for his generous contribution). We also added a so-called STAT relation to facilitate aggregational queries in AR. Moreover, we enhanced AR so that it can be used for tables without primary keys and foreign keys. We added several new components, including a validator to check the existence of input data in a table, a Zend Data cache component and an eAccelerator cache component, and a cache dependency represented in terms of a PHP expression.

Please check the change log to learn about the complete list of changes.

We continue to make progress with translation of Yii documentation. In particular, the translation of the Guide to Polish and Indonesian are close to finish. Thanks to those who participated in Yii translation project.